Denard Brewing

Better brewing through science.

Hot Mama's Mangoes Short Mead

This is a low ABV carbonated mead loosely based on my Hot Mama mead. A little spicy, a little bubbly, and goes straight to your head! Very tasty at all times of year.
Hot Mama's Mangoes Short Mead - 1 gallon batch
1. Add 1.5 lbs Orange Blossom honey (SG 1.06) to a sanitized carboy.
2. Add the following:
-1.2 oz Freeze Dried Mangoes
-2 whole dried Sanaam peppers
-2 cups Trader Joes Honeycrisp cider
3. Add 1 TBSP (~10 grams) of Fermaid O.
4. Add 1/4 tsp KHCO3 and 1/2 tsp pectinase.
5. Fill halfway with water, cap the jug, and shake until honey is completely dissolved.
6. Fill 1/2 cup shy of 1 gallon with water.
7. A an activated smack pack of Wyeast 1388 and airlock.
8. Ferment until 1.000.
9. Cold crash as soon as you hit 1.000.
10. Bottle with carbonation tabs. 
by denardb on Jan. 13, 2016, 10:14 p.m.