Denard Brewing

Better brewing through science.

Marshmallow Maximus

This recipe is my way of intensifying the marshmallow characteristics of meadowfoam honey. If you are unaware, meadowfoam honey is a highly sought varietal loved due to its marshmallow flavor. Here, I am using every trick I can imagine to further amplify the marshmallow effect. 

Marshmallows were first made by the Egyptian somewhere around 2000 BC. They were made by boiling honey with marshmallow root. With this in mind, a marshmallow mead makes a lot of sense. I start by extracting flavor and body enhancing proteins from marshmallow root. Then I add meadowfoam honey followed by 3 types of oak. Finally, vanilla is added to make it all come together. 

1. Add 1 cup (48 g) of marshmallow root to 1 liter of cold water. Allow to brew overnight, then add strained tea to carboy. This process will pull a lot of the marshmallow flavor and body enhancing proteins from the roots. Cold brew is better than hot here. 

2. Add 3.5 lbs of Meadowfoam honey to carboy (SG ~1.140).

3. Add 0.8 tsp Fermaid O, 0.4 tsp Fermaid K, and 1/4 tsp K2CO3. 

-Add 0.8 tsp Fermaid O at 1.11 & 1.070

4. Add water to half gallon and swirl vigorously until most honey is dissolved. 

5. Add water to 1/2 cup shy of a gallon and 4 Medium toast Hungarian oak cubes. Hungarian oak is here to further enhance body. Adding in primary has a more subtle effect than adding in secondary. 

6. Add a smack pack of Wyeast 1388. 

7. It should finish around 1.020. 

Post Fermentation 

8. Add the following:

-2 Xoaker Med+ American Oak: For body and to add a richer vanilla profile. Add directly. 

-3 ml Toasted Oak Liquid Tannin - Vanilla

9. To taste, rack off oak and cold crash. 

10. Bottle. Serve in a dark chocolate and crushed graham cracker rimmed glass for a S’mores effect. 



SG - 1.140

FG - 1.020

ABV - 15.7%

by denardb on June 25, 2019, 12:53 a.m.